Photos by Deborah Guyette
As a non-profit institution, The Art Gallery relies on the extraordinary generosity of individuals, foundations, and corporations to carry out activities for students, children, families, teachers, scholars, and art lovers of all ages.
Photos by Deborah Guyette
Community Outreach:
The Art Gallery supports community outreach initiatives to children throughout the San Bernardino mountains. The Art Gallery Arts program provides free visual arts instruction and opportunities in public art for at-risk youth. The Art Gallery will offer a variety of artistic instruction, at no cost, to children, adults, and seniors within the mountain community.
Photos by Deborah Guyette
Education: Each year, many children will visit The Art Gallery. To foster their understanding of and appreciation for the creative process, The Art Gallery provides a series of specially designed, hands-on programs.
Photos by Deborah Guyette
Annual Fund: Allow The Art Gallery to sustain its tradition of service to the Mountain community. Start giving today! The Art Gallery relies on the generosity of individuals like you to continue its pursuit of furthering the opportunities for the arts community.
The Annual Fund is the primary source of unrestricted funds for the gallery, and one of the most important ways in which you can support The Art Gallery. The Annual Fund preserves the gallery's ’s permanent collection of fine art.
The Annual Fund is critical in supporting these efforts and much more each and every day! Please know that a gift of any size makes a difference!
Photos by Deborah Guyette
Corporate Giving: An investment in The Art Gallery is an investment in the community. We invite you to strengthen the arts and the fabric of our mountain community by forming a partnership with our non-profit institution.
Photos by Deborah Guyette
Gifts in Memory: You may also remember your special loved one through a memorial gift in his/her honor. Recognize one’s appreciation for The Art Gallery and love of the arts during his/her lifetime with a gift to The Art Gallery's Annual fund in his/her memory.
Photos by Deborah Guyette
Gifts in Honor: Celebrate anniversaries, birthdays, promotions and all your special occasions this year by making a gift to The Art Gallery's Annual Fund in the name of a colleague, friend or family member. There is no better way to recognize those special people around you than to make a meaningful gift in their honor.
Photos by Deborah Guyette
Planned Giving: The Gallery welcomes planned gifts, in which a donor includes the museum in his or her estate plans. You can create a significant legacy at The Art Gallery through one of several options for planned gifts.
Photos by Deborah Guyette
Any charitable gift of $25 or more will be personally acknowledged with a letter informing the person of your generosity and thoughtfulness. Make any occasion more meaningful by recognizing one’s passion for art. This is the perfect gift to celebrate the life of a loved one.